The bestselling book Road to Success (co-authored with Jack Canfield from the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and America’s No#1 Success Coach).
The Road to Success brings together several industry experts to co-author with Jack Canfield to help you achieve your goals in career, health and lifestyle. In most instances, it is said that whatever you want to achieve someone somewhere has already achieved it. Instead of reinventing the wheel learn from the experiences of the experts to achieve your goals much faster.
Real-life stories, real-life challenges and real-life solutions.
Hard copy now available at Bookazine stores in Hong Kong and Amazon & B&N.

The Soul of Success documentary is nominated for 2 Emmys this year for Best Director and Best Cinematographer.

Danny with Jack Canfield (Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series)
Inside/Out: 8 Success Keys to Help Millennials Thrive
My new book Inside/Out 8 Success Keys to Help Millennials Thrive is still available at a super discounted promotional price for a limited time on the Amazon Kindle version.
If you feel intuitively guided to get a copy please do so and share it with your friends too. My goal is to impact 50,000 people in 5 years and your support in helping me get there would be awesome.
Inside/Out will not only help the Millennial generation make better choices but will also impact education by introducing life skill learning into educational institutions by stepping away from conventional norms.

How to raise YOUR awareness and consciousness to create and manifest success 10x faster in 2021
How to raise YOUR awareness and consciousness to create and manifest success 10x faster in 2021? ... A Danny Khursigara blog. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has led to one of the worst recessions of all time, it has also made this a critical period for creating wealth. Keeping an eye on opportunities to create wealth, especially those that align with their life purpose, will produce unimaginable levels of joy and fulfillment.
2021 & Beyond: The Rise of Conscious Organisations: How higher consciousness (awareness) will exemplify success in the corporate & business world
2021 & Beyond: The Rise of Conscious Organisations: For long, people have looked at corporate giants as companies that are only driven by revenues and tangible ROIs. However, a subtle movement is happening, which will determine that one needs to build conscious organisations to be successful in the corporate world.
Are you a leader worth following? The mark of true leadership
Are you a leader worth following? The mark of true leadership These are hyper-competitive times - this means, if you cannot separate yourself from the crowd, you risk the chance of getting lost. Great leaders know their own strengths & weaknesses at a deeper level and strive for being their authentic selves and encouraging others to find that confidence in being unapologetically authentic. This entails creating a safe space for others to do the same.
Don’t let anxious thoughts keep you from living your best life
#Anxiety can be overwhelming, but it’s up to you to decide how long it can control you. All you need to do is tap into the fighter that’s hidden inside you. Read my blog to find out more about how you can cope with anxiety.
Landing THE job you really want
“Growth” and “giving” are two very good reasons. You may be a well-paid accountant at a multinational banking firm or a senior supply chain manager at a global e-commerce company, but if you’ve never “discovered” your inherent ability(ies), your talent or skill, it’s unlikely that you will ever find THE job that you REALLY want.
Once you know your 'WHY', the universe becomes aligned with your path ahead. And abundance in the form of an opportunity, the right connection, and the right timing finds its way to you along that same path. When you “discover” yourself, the universe does so too.
The Pursuit of Happiness
5 Steps to End All Negativity and the Universal Belief that I am Not Enough
Based on my own personal life experiences and that of coaching nearly 13 different nationalities from all walks of life, I noticed that ‘true healing’ occurs when these simple truths, which we’ve completely missed, are understood.